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About GeoMapFish

GeoMapFish is a web-based, extensible and flexible GIS application with many features. It offers several interfaces: desktop, mobile, administration, and others, mainly for specific use cases. An API for integrating maps into third-party applications is also available. Based on OGC standards, a GeoMapFish application makes it possible to share spatial data in the form of services (WMS-T, WFS-T, WMTS) for desktop clients (QGIS or ArcGIS for example) or for other web clients. Cartographic business applications can be built using GeoMapFish as a basis.

GeoMapFish combines the best technological tools into one application:

  • OpenLayers and Ngeo on the client side;
  • Pyramid-based Papyrus for the server framework;
  • MapServer, QGIS Server or GeoServer for map services;
  • PostgreSQL and PostGIS for data storage;
  • MapFish Print for printing cartographic documents in PDF or PNG format.

Some projects

Here is a non-exhaustive list of projects migrated or being migrated 2.7:

You can also find our demo in version 2.7 : https://geomapfish-demo-2-7.camp

camptocamp / c2cgeoportal

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